Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mollie's 3rd Birthday Party-Warning: Picture Overload!!

Good Morning little Birthday Angel...Today you are three years old and you are having your Birthday Breakfast with "Sissy" OK, so anyone that doesn't know Alanna...AKA Sissy, she is my second cousin in which I would take claims to any day. She is God Sent. I love this little girl like my own. She was as thrilled as Derek and I were when she found out we were having a baby!
Mollie and Alanna getting ready to head off to the party

Mollie when we arrived

Mollie and Alanna taking the first slide down

Nonnie (My mom) and Mollie

Pappou and Mollie

Daddy and Mollie

Two of Mollie's friends from FUMC...aren't they adorable??!!

Only half of the crew......

and the after-math

The Fam

We are truly blessed with all of our friends and family. We have so many people that enrich our lives. This party was a huge success. We really had lots of people to share Mollie's special day and also a few that opted not to attend, but that's another story. Thanks to everyone who came. It REALLY was appreciated.
I can't believe my little luv bug is already three years old. Where does the time go? Before I know it she will be standing right before me wiping my tears as she heads off to Kindergarten. I'm sad she's growing so fast, but I'm also happy. I guess you can say its kinda bittersweet. Is that an appropriate word?? She is developing quite a personality. You just pray, everyday, every second might I add that you as a parent are doing all the right things and teaching all the right things and saying all the right things. I often second guess myself about Parenting Techniques, but maybe everyone does. You just want the VERY best for your children and pray that you do all the right things, keeping in mind that there will be bumps in the road!!

So Mollie, you have accomplished many things and have been very fortunate at the age of three.

Here's a sneak peek of things that you are doing/enjoying now:

-You recently started dance (NOT so sure about this, but it's new and I know you'll eventually enjoy)
-You started the 3 year old class (Ms.F) at FUMC. This is your second year and man has it paid off! Thank you to all the staff at FUMC, you guys are amazing.

-You amaze Mommy and Daddy and everyone for that matter with all the little stories you tell.

-You love playing with your dolls

-You love pretending

-You can ALMOST recognize all your letters.

-You STILL love books

-You love Orange Juice

-You love being Tom Boyish but yet your still my little princess!

-You like playing dress-up

-You like to travel

-You STILL love ELMO and Sesame Street.

-You love to cuddle with Mommy!

-You love your back rubbed, and your arm, and your hair, and your face, and your leg, etc, etc, etc :-P

-You were in Big Girl Panties at 2 1/2...YAA HOO!!!!!! {:-D

Places that you been:

-California via 4.5 hr plane did excellent

While in Cali, you went to Disneyland, Sea World and The San Diego were very fortunate.

-Grand Caymens



You are an amazing child and as I've said before and I'm sure I'll say many more times, A true Blessing from GOD. I cherish EVERY SINGLE WAKING SECOND with you. Always remember Mommy and Daddy love you!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Mollie!!!!

These are just a few of my fav's. I have tons more but it would take forever to upload all the images.
GOD truly blessed Derek and I with this beautiful little girl and I constantly give thanks.
She amazes me as each day passes. I honestly can't believe it was 3 years ago today that I gave birth to this baby. This was by far the best day of my life. I would go back and re-do a million times.
Cherish every moment!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl......I love You!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Remember Me?!?!?!

Hello, let me re-introduce myself!!!
It has been a long couple of weeks. I have so wanted to do a post, but I have been way to occupied to concentrate on creativity [;-]
Last Friday my precious grandmother and Mollie's Great-Grandmother (who is 81) fell outside in her yard. She broke her foot and then on Monday was readmitted for pnemonia. She has a long recovery, but she is improving every day.....Praise God!! Please keep her in your prayers, as she will definetly need them.

Mollie and Mamaw on Mother's Day 2009

Ok, so I'm gonna attempt "recaping" the week I was MIA, really as if anyone noticed!!

I need me some followers! I'm desperate!!!! :-D

Last weekend was our VERY 1st neighborhood block party. Is was awesome and I'm already planning our "Halloween Bash" I did a Western Theme this time around, and I was very pleased with the turn out. We only have about 12 houses in our subdivsion, but everyone showed up except for two. Its a nice and cozy homeplace!

First Annual Leigh Way Western Block Party

The Cook's....Broad, Derek, and Alan

Free Entertainment!

These are pics of our New and Fabulous friends! We have really been trying to get to know eachother over the past couple of weeks. I love hanging out with this family. Mendy is a great person and I REALLY enjoy her more and more each time I talk to her. I know we don't know each other that well.......YET, but hopefully this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship!!

The remains of a CUPCAKE.

The Little Kids

The Bigger Kids

I'm really disappointed because I thought I got many more pics . I guess I was too busy socializing to take time to think about what pictures I took.

Mollie also had dance this past week for the first time. She liked it and I'm sad to report that I took NO pictures with my camera :-( Shame on me. I'm sure I'll have plenty of dance pics to follow later on in the year.

Well tomorrow my "Baby Girl" will turn 3 !! Can you believe it?! Man how the time goes by. Were having her Minnie Mouse Party tomorrow and I will have lots of pics to share with you the next time I blog.

Thanks to everyone who reads!

Have a Blessed Day!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Whole Lot of.....Nothing!!

Ahhhhh......I finally feel like I have a sec to "take in" some quiet time, sitting here typing, keyboard in lap, legs stretched across my desk, and Baby Bop rambling in the background as my precious baby dozes off into fairy-tale land!!! I'm really ashamed to say that she watches TV to fall asleep, but it works for now:-(

This day has been crazy. As a matter of fact, the past couple of days of my crazy life have been rather hectic. I have nothing really to share, I just really get this calm feeling come over me when I take time to "journal". Its something I have discovered about myself that I REALLY enjoy doing.
By the way, we had a great weekend, just way too fast as always.

We kicked off our weekend with a cookout with some neighbors!! Had a blast!! I really enjoyed it. My child had a few meltdowns but luckily we got through them. Its really nice to have "new" friends! My child adores Miss Emma Kate and talks about her and her brother every waking moment here lately. Which reminds me of a sweet comment she made while getting out of the bathtub tonight:

Mollie: Mommy, eww luv Emma Kate?

Me: Yes, honey I do!

Mollie: GOD luvs her too!

Thanks Mendy for sharing your beautiful family with us!!!!

Ok, so every year in August there is a softball tournament called "Midnight Madness" Well as always, Derek was a participant!!! The games start in the late afternoon and continue until early morning. He lives for softball.....But whatever floats his boat!!! So his first game, I believe was at 6. Mollie and I enjoyed some way over due "mommy and daughter time" I don't really get much out of hangin' out at a ballfield, which would lead to chasing a VERY energetic 2 1/2 year old around in circles!! I would rather do that in the comfort of my very own yard!!! Well he left for the game about 4:30 PM on Saturday and returned on Sunday at 6AM!!!!!!!!!! How's that for a softball addict??!! :-)

So, check out his trophy......

And his sweet baby girl had to give the boo-boo some much needed lovies!!!

I've never seen someone so "in love" with a scrap/cut as a result from a softball game!!

So, moving onto more pleasant topics, we have many exciting things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.

This coming Weekend, were having our very 1st Neighborhood Block Party. I'm so excited. I think everyone will have a blast.

Then starting early next week Mollie starts her very 1st dance class. I am REALLY looking forward to this and I know she can't wait. I think this is something she will enjoy doing.

Then the next weekend were having Mollie's 3rd Birthday Party!

And then shortly after her 3rd Birthday its off to vacation on the beach!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!

And did I mention I'm so excited??!! :-p

So look for exciting future posts with LOTS of pics!!

I'll leave you with Dr. Mollie!!!!
How cute is she with those Blue Framed Glasses?? So Stylish!!!!
Until Next time, GOD BLESS!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

A Topic of Many....

OK, so I know its been a while since I last posted, but it's been a craaaaazy life this past week.

I have some very good news to report.....Mollie has been sleeping all by herself in her "big girl" bed. I thought this was gonna be a very hard transition, but fortunately she proved me wrong!!! (She has been sleeping in her crib for quite sometime, but in OUR bedroom)
I am sooooo proud of her. In a way its sad to me because she is growing so fast, but she is also growing into such a lovely little girl! (Note to self: I must CHERISH every single milestone and be grateful for the small things in life. I also hope to remember all the funny little things that she says!)

Which brings me to the next topic.

OK, so this was Mollie's last week in her two year old class. They had lots of fun activities planned for the kiddos. On Thursday they told the kids that Friday was Water day and kinda gave them a brief description of what the day would consist of. Well Thursday I was talking her up for the big day. Later on in the evening Derek and I were talking and Water Day got mentioned and I absolutely wish you could have heard her talk all about her big day. She made sure she stood on something tall, so she wouldn't go un-noticed and to make sure she was in control of all the talking (I have to remember not to interupt because here lately she reminds anyone that is talking when she wants to speak that she was talking first!!!) She would ramble on and on about the water swide, and how she was gonna go wewwy fast, and how she was gonna (get ready) lula poop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (hula hoop) I swear I laughed my head off. Her eyes would get bigger and bigger with every word and her arms and hands were probably worn out after the story was told!!!! Gotta love these moments.

Another great laugh I had was a couple of weeks ago. She has recently started drinking Orange Juice.....a lot! But Pulp Free. So when she asks for OJ, she'll say, "Mommy, it not got Pup in it??

How sweeeeet is that??!! I Love me some Mollie. ;-)

Then, its onto the weekend. My Grandparents have a place in the Mountains and we drove up for the weekend. We got there late Friday night and came home Sunday, late afternoon. We had a good time, just way too short. Saturday we went swimming (something Mollie REALLY enjoys) and just chilled by the pool and soaked up the sun!

Mollie jumping into the pool

The Results.......

My parents came up Saturday night and we had dinner and and took Mollie on her first Chair Lift Ride. She loved it....but if its the least bit risky she's all up for it. She is such a little Dare Devil!

Well that's all for now and I'm so proud because this is my first post with pics!!! Yay!!!!