Friday, January 28, 2011

Maycie-4 Months

Maycie-You are 4 months old!

I Cannot. Believe. What. I. Am. Typing!!!
The time goes by so fast since you were born, makes me sad my baby is growing so fast, Which means I'm getting older. Did I mention that I'm turning 30 in less than three months? How depressing :/

So here's what you've been up to lately:

You went to see Dr.H for your 4 month check-up and had to have the same shots you did at your 2 month pitiful :(
You weigh 15 lbs and 4 oz...WOW and you were 26 inches long! Such a BIG girl :)

You are in size 2 diapers and by the looks of things that won't last long.
You are wearing 6 months clothes now and I'm pretty sure that won't last long either!

You are still Breastfeeding and Dr. H said it would be okay to introduce you to Rice Cereal, so we tried it and you liked it! I just gave it to you one time so far. If all goes well, we can introduce you to baby food at 5 months. I'm pretty sure you will be ready! You don't BF as near as much as you used to. You BF a lot during the night and eat maybe 4-5 times during the day!

You still L.O.V.E Bath time. No matter what you're doing or if you're fussy, I can bathe you and you hit Relax Mode!

I REALLY think you're trying to cut some teeth. You have been a little fussy for about a week, off and on. You are constantly chewing on your hand and if I give you your passy, you gnaw on it.

You are still a good sleeper :)
When you go to sleep (nursing or on your on) you like something to hold onto or something touching your face!
I love it!!!

I just recently started putting you on your play mat because I feel like you get tired of swinging! At first you weren't thrilled about it, but seems like you're coming around! You did NOT like tummy time, but its getting better since we started using the mat! You are now rolling over from back to tummy and tummy to back. Yesterday I put you on your play mat and you rolled from one end to the other...made me smile!

You also give us kisses! It is the SWEETEST thing. I stand you up on my legs and say, "Give mommy love," and you dive toward my face with your little mouth wide open. Kisses from my girls are the BEST!

I can't wait to see how you'll be when you get a little older. You and sissy are night and day and you BOTH continue to amaze me every single day. I can't wait until you can both play together. I pray that you have a close relationship and y'all are BEST FRIENDS! I pray that GOD is a BIG DEAL in both of your lives and you are both GODLY GIRLS!

Love you Maycie K!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cabin Fever

Okay, Okay, we had a SERIOUS case of CABIN FEVER!!!

We had an awesome weekend and we were more than thrilled to get out of the house. Mollie is still home today in observation of MLK. So that makes 10...yes TEN days at home with me and sissy and she has LoVeD every second!! Its been tough but we are working through it. When I say tough, that's just because we are all still learning to adjust to the new sweetness that was welcomed almost 4 months ago. And I don't see the new wearing off anytime soon!! ;-)

School resumes back tomorrow and Maycie is probably ready for a break! I bet she forgot what it was like to take peaceful naps!

Friday we hit the roads before Derek ever got off work and went to Mamaw Mitchell's for the Friday night usual. We visited and laughed, and laughed some more...Good times! We ordered food and came home.
Saturday we got up rather late, and I made a few CVS runs and FINALLY got the deal I was planning! Then we ate a late lunch and headed home to watch the FALCONS. And they disappointed...BOOOOOO. Another late night and I decided that Sunday it was up early and outta the house again.

Mollie's schedule is so messed up, I had to get control. She went to bed Saturday night AFTER midnight and I knew if I got her up early Sunday she would go to bed early Sunday night. And I was successful because she was out by 8:30...YAY for me!! So this morning she was up a little before 8. Maybe she is back on track...until she goes back to school for the dreaded NAP TIME. I really wish we could go without the naps!
So, its a 4 day school week for the munchkin and I'm hoping to get some MORE laundry caught up...this stuff is never ending. Enjoy the pics from being snowed in and have a great week!

and the craziness has begun...

I couldn't resist, I had to include a picture of this doll face!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let It SNOW!!!

Soooooo, we got some SNOW and lots of it! Last Friday they started the prediction and they hit the nail on the head. Saturday evening I hit the grocery store so we would have the cabinets stocked with lots of goodies. Good thing I did because we got about 8-9 inches and have been semi-stranded in the house!! It started snowing Sunday evening around 11 and it came down fast. When we woke up everything was covered.
We hardly ever get snow, so its always nice to see when we do! Schools have been closed, so far all week. We'll see what the rest of the week has in store. Yesterday morning I put Veggie soup in the crock-pot and let it cook all day. So last night we had soup and cornbread and it was definitely comforting!!! WARM and DELISH and perfect for a cold wintry day!

I got Mollie all bundled up so she could go out and have fun in the snow. Daddy took her out and I stayed in with Maycie :) :( Happy to stay in with little babe but I would have loved to go out and play in the SNOW for a while with Derek and Mollie. Maybe we'll get a BIG snow again when Maycie gets a little older and we can all go out together!
We couldn't find a sled so Mollie and Derek didn't "play" outside long, which was fine by me because when we got the snow on Christmas day, both of them went out in it and BOTH of them came down with the FLU the very next day. Not sure if that's why, but needless to say I was kinda happy when Mollie wanted to come in about 10 minutes after going out! The FLU about kicked my butt and I didn't even have it. :)
I love all the memories we make as a family and I love having pictures to prove it. I can't wait for Maycie to get bigger so she can join in on all the fun, although I'm not thrilled about my baby growing up! :) The days go by way too fast. I love my family!

We're going a little stir crazy being cooped up in the house, so maybe we can get out SOON!!!
Hope you enjoyed the snow if you got it!

Monday, January 3, 2011


So, I know I'm about 3 days late but hopefully this is a good start for 2011! I hope to keep up with this blog every few days. My goal is to capture all the memories we are making by blogging. There are many things I hope to achieve for this year. I want to slow down and take in all the precious moments from my kids! My brain has been going soooo fast since Maycie, I feel so scattered and unorganized and I hope I can get this under control. As a matter of fact I know I can, I got this!

I expect some nice changes!! And I can't wait to see what GOD has in store for our family. We're living minute by minute and we're gonna sit back and enjoy the ride.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and organized days ahead!