Sunday, November 28, 2010

Maycie is 2 months

Maycie- You are 2 months old!
Stop Already!!!!
Since you were born, the days just seem to go by too quickly.
I think you look like me when I was liitle and some agree, but there are a few that think you look like your daddy. And I personal don't think you look like Mollie at all...
You had to go to the Doctor for your 2 month check-up.
You weighed 11lbs 4 oz and you were 23 1/4 in long. You were in the 75 percentile for weight and height.
You wear a size 1 in diapers and you are wearing 3 months in clothes...some which are a little snug!! You LOVE to eat!
You are still breastfeeding exclusively and have done awesome since day 1.
You eat every 2 1/2-3 hours and your like clock work! Breastfeeding seems a little harder this time around and I think its because it's soooo demanding and we are soooo busy. Having Mollie keeps us busy for sure! But I'm NOT giving up. I'm gonna do it until you're 18 months, unless of course you have different plans!
You are STILL a good sleeper...Thank you GOD!! In the mornings when I get up you're still sleeping away.
Your days consists of sleeping, eating, and cooing and grinning in between! Yep-you are smiling and its the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!
You still sleep a lot which makes for an easier day. You are a GREAT baby!
You're starting to be more alert and stay awake for longer periods. During your "alert time" you move those hands and legs like crazy.
Mollie loves you so much. She thinks you are a little baby doll.
She loves to help in every way possible.
You recognize most voices, especially mine and sissy's!!!
You're still LOVIN your bath time.
After your baths, you're out like a light.
You still sleep with mommy and I wouldn't have it any other way, it's so much easier since you Breastfeed!
You now love your swing and not so much the Nap Nanny any more.
You love whatever has movement!
You take your paci easier now, but your still not crazy about it. I'm still not sure if this is something I want you to like :)
You are such a sweet baby!
We are ABSOLUTELY crazy about you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sisterly Love...ONE of the many things I am thankful for!

Mollie is so in LOVE with Maycie and I love it! I am SO Thankful for these two Girls.

Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast

Mollie had her Thanksgiving Feast at Pre-K and her Daddy was so nice to be her guest!! We all had intentions of going, but Maycie and I decided not to go at the last minute. Mollie has a tendency of acting out when we go to school functions. She doesn't really act out, she just likes to be clingy and then she misses out on everything. So, I thought it would be best if her dad went. Her having meltdowns, really stresses me out these days :-P!! Everything worked out and she had a blast with the company she had!

I told Derek to make lots of pictures and he did. I'm glad because I hate missing out on her school parties and such, and being able to look at the pictures makes me feel good. I love to see my girl happy!

Doesn't my little Pilgrim just look adorable? We've been going over what were Thankful for and I love hearing her voice reciting everything she is Thankful for. My heart melts...the list is soooo long and that makes my heart so happy.

That's my Mollie in the back, cheesing it up!! She was distracted by her Daddy making pictures. Looks like everyone else is in deep concentration.
I LOVE this time of year. I love cooking and spending time with my Family.
Is seems like this year has flown by and it seems to be moving more quickly even since I've had Maycie. Our life has been filled with CrAzInEsS!!! We are trying to get adjusted and its really been hard. We are working out the kinks and I know I'll look back in about 6 months and say, "That was a breeze!" I need to learn to cherish the moment and RELAX. It's just so hard and I have felt so overwhelmed. I have said it before and I will say it again, I'm SOOO Thankful for my Family. I'm Thankful for my girls :-) and I'm Thankful for such an understanding and helpful husband, and I'm so glad we're in this together! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Gobble! Gobble!

Saturday, November 6, 2010


So, as always we meet up at my mom's for Halloween. I love Halloween, we do the same thing EVERY year! We go over, get ready for all the trick or treaters and we have lots of visitors! We have the usual...Me, Derek, Mollie, and this year we added Maycie!!!! Then Alanna and Adrienne come down. This year both of my grandparents came AND my aunt and uncle. It made it that much more special!
Alanna and Mollie loves giving out the candy. They really don't care about going around and getting it!! This is a good thing...Life Lesson for Mollie. Maybe this will make her appreciate giving and care much less about receiving! ;-)
I stayed in the house a lot this year because of Maycie and feedings :)
My mom lives in a subdivision and she always has soooooo many trick-or-treaters and its gets expensive buying candy. So, my mom said give each person one piece of candy! Well Derek hung around outside and he said that one little boy put his bag in front of Mollie and she gave him the candy and he just stood there. Well, Mollie spoke up and said, "I already gave you some!" HA! She was definetly cute. When the people came, she gave them their candy and said, "Happy Halloween!" She's such a sweetie...most of the time :)


Maycie-Sleeping as Always!

These are the goody bags I made for Mollie's friends at School. I make the same one's every year and they are super easy. I just get Chex Mix, Fall colored M&M's, and Candy Corn, mix it all together and pour them in a bag. This year I ordered stickers to go on the goody bags from ETSY. You can find them HERE. I heart this store and I have ordered many things from here!

Nana Maney holding Maycie

Mamaw Mitchell and Mollie

Alanna, Maycie, and Mollie-I love these girls so much!

Now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving too! I like to cook all the dishes that go along with the Holidays.
I am so Thankful for my beautiful family that GOD has provided me!
What are you Thankful for?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Burt's Pumpkin Farm

So, we took the girls ( girls!!!) to Burt's Pumpkin Farm. This is has been a tradition for us since Mollie was born...We have been every single year since 2006 and I love it. I look so forward to making the trip across the mountain during the fall of the year. Everything is so beautiful.
This was our first "Real" outing as a family of four! It was challenging, but we loved every second! Its defintely an adjustment going from one child to two, and we're still trying to work out the kinks!
The smell of the fresh pumpkin pies could be smelled all over the farm!
We picked out our pumpkins and made a few pictures and called it a day! We had to make it quick because Maycie got hungry, but we had plenty of time to do what we needed to do!
I Can't wait until next year, hopefully Maycie will be walking and we'll be chasing 2 little girls around the pumpkin patch!

Happy Fall to you and yours!