Monday, February 28, 2011

Maycie-5 Months

Maycie-You are 5 months old!
Life is so precious and goes by way too fast.
Before I know it you will be 5 years old :( and I'm in no hurry for that day!

Here's what you've been up to lately:
No check up this month, but we will go for your 6 month check-up.
I'm curious to see what you weigh, you work hard to keep that oh-so-sweet cuddly little bod up!
Not too many changes from last month, but there are a few.
You did move up to a size 3 in diapers ! Gotta make sure the tush in covered well!
You are still wearing 6 months in clothes, although the shirt above is 9 months!!!
You are still Breastfeeding and aren't so demanding as you once were. You eat about every 3 hours, give or take a few...I mainly feed you on demand, which works well for us :)
We did try some carrots and sweet potatoes and eh, you could take em or leave em.
I also tried juice once and you had the same reaction with it as you did the baby food.
Nothing like your momma's milk!

You still love your bathes! Maybe you will be like me and love bathtime always. I love to relax in a warm bath! As I sit here typing about how much you love your baths, your silly sister is trying to talk herself out of a bath ;)
Still no teeth but your gums are so hard, I think it will be soon. I looked in Mollie's baby book and she cut her 1st tooth at 5 1/2 months. Not that that means anything, but just for the record!
You are loving your paci more and more everyday, which is kinda scary :/
You are still a good sleeper and you take about 2 good naps a day. You love sleeping late, but you love staying up late (not too late) too!
You still love your swing and you love your mat. You love rolling all around!
You have become a little talker! Sounds like you say things but maybe I'm jumping the gun a little, but my heavens, it sounds just like it :)
You are such a happy little girl and so content...ALWAYS! You just go with the flow.
I'm so thankful and BLESSED for my girls and I never imagined GOD would give me such a special gift as my girls.
I could say it a million times over, but I'm so thankful for my life.
Craziness, hectic, challenging, sometimes tough, unpredicted, amazing, lovely, wonderful, and blessed life.
I couldn't ask for anything more!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Diet...WEEK 1

As I sit here typing this post, I'm eating a bowl of Special K and having a mini celebration!!!
I just returned from my weigh in/weekly meeting and I'm so proud of myself. I lost 4.4 pounds! May not sound like a TON of weight but its a HUGE deal to me!
I'm not gonna lie, it has been hard. I'm hoping since I've got a week behind me, I will start kicking the cravings. I really haven't "craved" anything, I guess you could say it's more of a temptation...that I normally give in to. But, I didn't this week!
I would have something and think, "Man, a soda sure would be good with this right now!" But I didn't.
I stayed on track, and I couldn't be happier. With that being said, I'm closer to my goal weight.
I'm so happy for my blog right now!
Here are my stats:
Age: 29
Height: 5-10
Starting Weight 2/19/2011: 211.4 LBS (YUCK)
Week One 2/26/2011: -4.4 LBS=207 LBS
If that doesn't give me the incentive, nothing will!
Happy Saturday :)

Saturday, February 19, 2011


It's taken some time to get this posted, but I knew for sure I still wanted to talk about my girls first time at the movies. We went to see TANGLED...such a cute little movie.
Yeah, she's 4 years old and just now going. Mollie is VERY active and I just knew she would never be still for a long period of time. She does watch movies, but we just stick to letting her watching in the comfort of her bedroom!! She did great though! It was an adventure, but it always is these days, and she already wants to go back. Movie's are gonna be special treats in our house because YIKES! Have y'all been to the movies lately? You may want to consider robbing a bank ahead of ;-) Oh well, it was totally worth it.
She had no idea what to expect! I knew she would love it and she did, she L.O.V.E.D it, and that makes it SO worth it!
Ignore her hair in the pictures below, she had been to a Princess Party (ADORABLE) and I hope to post about it soon!
I love treating my girl to new things.

She ADORES Alanna!
I've already started saving for another girl's night out! HE HE!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Diet

Well, I have come to the conclusion I HAVE to change my diet lifestyle. I hate the word DIET. But when you go from eating everything you crave, desire, love, etc to cutting all that out, I consider it a HUGE diet, especially in the beginning. I want to blog about my experience just because I want to be held accountable. If I track my progress every week I think it will give me that extra push that I REALLY need right now. As most of you know I'm breastfeeding, and the weight just isn't falling off like I had hoped.
My biggest problem is just eating because something taste good or because I love it or just to eat it, just because. Another problem I have is I feel SO incredibly rushed when I eat that I can't enjoy it, so I'll eat again thinking okay, I'm gonna get to enjoy this time I eat...NOT. Its a NEVER. ENDING, vicious cycle and I'm so ready to do something about it.

I want to be healthy for MYSELF and my FAMILY. I feel so much better about ME when I'm healthy. I want to be pretty for ME! I want to quit feeling ashamed of myself and I know this is a PERFECT start to getting on track.

So weigh in is tomorrow and I will report my starting weight, and my goals.

Each week I will report how much I loose along with how I achieved it, etc.

Wish me luck because I know a tough road lies ahead, but the end will be totally worth it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Heart Day

Happy Valentine's Day/Maycie's 1st Valentines Day!! (How Exciting)

These two girls are, can't you tell?! ;-)
It all started on Friday...with the Valentine Party at Preschool. I love when Mollie has parties at school. I love being all crafty and making treat bags and such. Makes me feel like I've accomplished something HUGE. It also makes me feel good to know I can squeeze in extra's. Although, there isn't time these days but I make time for my girls...ALWAYS! Did I mention my life has been one BUSY.CHAOTIC.HECTIC.MUMBLE.JUMBLE. here lately. Man, its been crazy to say the least. Mollie wore the cutest outfit for her Valentine's Party and I didn't get a full length picture :(

So look who is all alert for her 1st Valentine's Day picture! She just smiles all the time and I'm in love with those cheeks! We had a Special day and the girls makes it 10 times better! Mollie crashed before 7...didn't even get to look at her V-DAY goods from Nonnie, but they will be awaiting sleeping Beauty after she gets some MUCH.NEEDED. Beauty rest. She was a little on the cranky side and was really testing my ever so sentive mommy patients. Age 4 seems to be getting a bit tougher and I know it has some to do with these sweet cheeks below. GOD: PLEASE guide me...
Munchkin spotted some sweets in her goodie bag! And look what BABE got me! They were beautiful, and will DIE way too soon. Can't complain, Its the thought that counts and I absoultely adore my amazing, caring, husband!
I cooked a BIG meal tonight for him. Put a roast in the Crock Pot this morning and it cooked all day. Had Potatoes and carrots with it, mac n cheese, corn, greenbeans, cornbread and some nice brownies for dessert! Mollie wrote a sweet poem for her daddy and I didn't get a pic yet. It was so sweet, I told her what to right and she tried so hard! It said:
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
We just wanted you to know Daddy,
We Love you!
Awwww, and did I tell you she tried SO hard...(Note to self: Give regonition to Mol when she needs it the most) I love Mollie so Much!

Good Day And I LOVE my FAMILY!!! Hope you all got to spend it with the one's you LOVE. Tell someone you love them :)

Loves and Hugs!