So, as always we meet up at my mom's for Halloween. I love Halloween, we do the same thing EVERY year! We go over, get ready for all the trick or treaters and we have lots of visitors! We have the usual...Me, Derek, Mollie, and this year we added Maycie!!!! Then Alanna and Adrienne come down. This year both of my grandparents came AND my aunt and uncle. It made it that much more special!
Alanna and Mollie loves giving out the candy. They really don't care about going around and getting it!! This is a good thing...Life Lesson for Mollie. Maybe this will make her appreciate giving and care much less about receiving! ;-)
I stayed in the house a lot this year because of Maycie and feedings :)
My mom lives in a subdivision and she always has soooooo many trick-or-treaters and its gets expensive buying candy. So, my mom said give each person one piece of candy! Well Derek hung around outside and he said that one little boy put his bag in front of Mollie and she gave him the candy and he just stood there. Well, Mollie spoke up and said, "I already gave you some!" HA! She was definetly cute. When the people came, she gave them their candy and said, "Happy Halloween!" She's such a sweetie...most of the time :)
Maycie-Sleeping as Always!
These are the goody bags I made for Mollie's friends at School. I make the same one's every year and they are super easy. I just get Chex Mix, Fall colored M&M's, and Candy Corn, mix it all together and pour them in a bag. This year I ordered stickers to go on the goody bags from ETSY. You can find them HERE. I heart this store and I have ordered many things from here!
Alanna, Maycie, and Mollie-I love these girls so much!
Now we are looking forward to Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving too! I like to cook all the dishes that go along with the Holidays.
I am so Thankful for my beautiful family that GOD has provided me!
What are you Thankful for?
Hi! Your girls are beautiful! It's so nice to hear that we're not the only ones living a wild and crazy life :) God has blessed us beyond measure and we are loving every minute of it (even getting up every couple hours in the night for feedings..haha!!) I look forward to sharing our craziness through blogging!!
How adorable are your girls and those labels!!! Love it!