So, we took the girls (I.love.saying girls!!!) to Burt's Pumpkin Farm. This is has been a tradition for us since Mollie was born...We have been every single year since 2006 and I love it. I look so forward to making the trip across the mountain during the fall of the year. Everything is so beautiful.
This was our first "Real" outing as a family of four! It was challenging, but we loved every second! Its defintely an adjustment going from one child to two, and we're still trying to work out the kinks!
The smell of the fresh pumpkin pies could be smelled all over the farm!

We picked out our pumpkins and made a few pictures and called it a day! We had to make it quick because Maycie got hungry, but we had plenty of time to do what we needed to do!
I Can't wait until next year, hopefully Maycie will be walking and we'll be chasing 2 little girls around the pumpkin patch!

Happy Fall to you and yours!
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