Good Morning little Birthday Angel...Today you are three years old and you are having your Birthday Breakfast with "Sissy" OK, so anyone that doesn't know Alanna...AKA Sissy, she is my second cousin in which I would take claims to any day. She is God Sent. I love this little girl like my own. She was as thrilled as Derek and I were when she found out we were having a baby!

Mollie and Alanna taking the first slide down

Nonnie (My mom) and Mollie

Pappou and Mollie

Daddy and Mollie

Two of Mollie's friends from FUMC...aren't they adorable??!!

Only half of the crew......
and the after-math

The Fam

Mollie and Alanna getting ready to head off to the party
Mollie when we arrived

Mollie and Alanna taking the first slide down
Nonnie (My mom) and Mollie
Pappou and Mollie
Daddy and Mollie
Two of Mollie's friends from FUMC...aren't they adorable??!!
Only half of the crew......
The Fam
We are truly blessed with all of our friends and family. We have so many people that enrich our lives. This party was a huge success. We really had lots of people to share Mollie's special day and also a few that opted not to attend, but that's another story. Thanks to everyone who came. It REALLY was appreciated.
I can't believe my little luv bug is already three years old. Where does the time go? Before I know it she will be standing right before me wiping my tears as she heads off to Kindergarten. I'm sad she's growing so fast, but I'm also happy. I guess you can say its kinda bittersweet. Is that an appropriate word?? She is developing quite a personality. You just pray, everyday, every second might I add that you as a parent are doing all the right things and teaching all the right things and saying all the right things. I often second guess myself about Parenting Techniques, but maybe everyone does. You just want the VERY best for your children and pray that you do all the right things, keeping in mind that there will be bumps in the road!!
So Mollie, you have accomplished many things and have been very fortunate at the age of three.
Here's a sneak peek of things that you are doing/enjoying now:
-You recently started dance (NOT so sure about this, but it's new and I know you'll eventually enjoy)
-You started the 3 year old class (Ms.F) at FUMC. This is your second year and man has it paid off! Thank you to all the staff at FUMC, you guys are amazing.
-You amaze Mommy and Daddy and everyone for that matter with all the little stories you tell.
-You love playing with your dolls
-You love pretending
-You can ALMOST recognize all your letters.
-You STILL love books
-You love Orange Juice
-You love being Tom Boyish but yet your still my little princess!
-You like playing dress-up
-You like to travel
-You STILL love ELMO and Sesame Street.
-You love to cuddle with Mommy!
-You love your back rubbed, and your arm, and your hair, and your face, and your leg, etc, etc, etc :-P
-You were in Big Girl Panties at 2 1/2...YAA HOO!!!!!! {:-D
Places that you been:
-California via 4.5 hr plane did excellent
While in Cali, you went to Disneyland, Sea World and The San Diego were very fortunate.
-Grand Caymens
You are an amazing child and as I've said before and I'm sure I'll say many more times, A true Blessing from GOD. I cherish EVERY SINGLE WAKING SECOND with you. Always remember Mommy and Daddy love you!
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