WHAT?? The time is flying...
Well, there was no 3 month check-up, but you do go back when you're 4 months and you have to have shots. BOO.
Daddy weighed you by our scales and according to them, you weigh close to 14 pounds. I'm interested to know how much you really weigh and how long you are!
You are getting soooo big. AMAZING.

You are in a size 1 diaper and are busting out of them. I'm just waiting until were out of 1's and then we'll brake out the 2's.
You are fitting your 3 months clothes very well and can wear some 3-6 months! You are a big girl compared to your BIG sissy. She was always my tiny babe!
You are still Breastfeeding exclusively and are going longer stretches in between feedings! Seems a little easier to me!
You make me smile because its like you need my full attention while you're eating!
If I'm occupied by something else, you won't eat as well, you tend to squirm and smile! I love it.
If I'm occupied by something else, you won't eat as well, you tend to squirm and smile! I love it.
You are still an AWESOME sleeper! That's my girl...You sleep all night and to me this was an easy transistion. Since we brought you home from the hospital, you just fit right into OUR schedule. Having you in the bed with me makes this sooooo much easier! Did I mention that you LOVE to sleep?!?!
In the mornings, I get up and make sure Mollie gets off to school okay and you usually wake up to eat and then you go back to sleep and sleep the whole morning. Most days you will sleep til noon. Some days you will wake up to eat but shortly after you're back out. This works out P.E.R.F.E.C.T. I always use that time to start my working day. I sit at my desk and get my work done while I admire you, my sleeping beauty, in the corner of my eye! I love being able to work from home, its the BEST!!
For the most part, I think we have a good routine down!
You have began blowing bubbles and are drooling like crazy...I think you're gonna cut teeth soon, just like Mollie! She had her 1st tooth at 4 months.
You still move those arms/hands and kick those chubby little legs like crazy...especially when you're intriged by something.
You try your best to talk and its the sweetest thing!
You started laughing out loud about 2 weeks ago and its the sweetest, cutest sound. I remember when Mollie started laughing out loud and I constantly wanted to hear it!
You only cry when your sleepy, sometimes when you're hungry. And you're calmed VERY easy. You do take your paci easier and you love to hold onto a blankie...Awww, its the cutest thing. Last night at dance, you were holding your paci with one hand and your blankie in the other!
You are still loving your swing and you love the closeness of being held!
You will stay on your tummy for short periods, and I'm talking short. You just get aggravated.
As for bath time, you still love it! It's so calming to you.
You have good control over your head, and its like you try and get up, its crazy!
Mollie LOVES you so much and is constantly asking if she can hold you! ALL.THE.TIME!
Mollie is still having hard times adjusting. I know it has to be hard on her. For four years she was the center of attention and all of a sudden this new baby is here taking all HER attention. Poor Girl. I'm hoping we work through these "bumpy" spots soon. I pray EVERY night that GOD makes the transistion easier and easier. This is something I can not relate to being an only child, but Derek can, as he is 1 of 4!
Maycie, you are such a good natured baby and so easy going.
You are a perfect addition to our family.
Loves and kisses baby girl.
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