Something exciting coming up though is another block party. This time around, the theme will be Fall/Halloween. I have it planned the weekend before Halloween. I love all things fall! I have lots of fall-ish type activities that I'm eager to try.
The next weekend will be Halloween and I love dressing up. I haven't decided what I want Mollie to be this year, although I'm trying to include her in the decision! For some reason, I think this will back fire on me! Last year she wanted to be ELMO (of all things) and this year she says she wants to be a pumpkin, why you ask? I really have no clue. She was a pumpkin her 1st Halloween, Minnie Mouse her 2nd, and a Lady Bug for her 3rd (last year) This will probably get interesting!! Stay tuned to see what "we" chose. We have to go soon, just so we'll have this out of the way.
A few blogs ago, I told you about Mollie starting dance. Well, she's getting better (about crying) and she's more exciting about going, although she still isn't crazy about leaving me to go tumble and flip and climb (all things that she REALLY enjoys) She'll be fine though and I think she will come to love dance, and if not that's OK too! Hopefully I'll get some pics of her in her little dance suit. She looks so cute. But of course I'm gonna think so!

Well I wish I were like some bloggers and say have a great evening, talk to you tomorrow, but we all know that's not gonna happen. However, I do hope to get back sooner than last time.
Happy Fall Y'all-See ya when I see ya! Oh, and I'm sorry this was such a boring post.
I'm leaving you with these pictures of Mollie from the pumpkin patch! Enjoy