Mollie and Alanna taking the first slide down
Nonnie (My mom) and Mollie
Pappou and Mollie
Daddy and Mollie
Two of Mollie's friends from FUMC...aren't they adorable??!!
Only half of the crew......
The Fam
The Little Kids
The Bigger Kids
Mollie also had dance this past week for the first time. She liked it and I'm sad to report that I took NO pictures with my camera :-( Shame on me. I'm sure I'll have plenty of dance pics to follow later on in the year.
Well tomorrow my "Baby Girl" will turn 3 !! Can you believe it?! Man how the time goes by. Were having her Minnie Mouse Party tomorrow and I will have lots of pics to share with you the next time I blog.
Thanks to everyone who reads!
Have a Blessed Day!
And his sweet baby girl had to give the boo-boo some much needed lovies!!!
I've never seen someone so "in love" with a scrap/cut as a result from a softball game!!
So, moving onto more pleasant topics, we have many exciting things to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.
This coming Weekend, were having our very 1st Neighborhood Block Party. I'm so excited. I think everyone will have a blast.
Then starting early next week Mollie starts her very 1st dance class. I am REALLY looking forward to this and I know she can't wait. I think this is something she will enjoy doing.
Then the next weekend were having Mollie's 3rd Birthday Party!
And then shortly after her 3rd Birthday its off to vacation on the beach!!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!
And did I mention I'm so excited??!! :-p
So look for exciting future posts with LOTS of pics!!
I'll leave you with Dr. Mollie!!!!How cute is she with those Blue Framed Glasses?? So Stylish!!!!
Until Next time, GOD BLESS!!!
Another great laugh I had was a couple of weeks ago. She has recently started drinking Orange Juice.....a lot! But Pulp Free. So when she asks for OJ, she'll say, "Mommy, it not got Pup in it??
How sweeeeet is that??!! I Love me some Mollie. ;-)
The Results.......
Well that's all for now and I'm so proud because this is my first post with pics!!! Yay!!!!