I Cannot. Believe. What. I. Am. Typing!!!
The time goes by so fast since you were born, makes me sad my baby is growing so fast, Which means I'm getting older. Did I mention that I'm turning 30 in less than three months? How depressing :/
So here's what you've been up to lately:
You went to see Dr.H for your 4 month check-up and had to have the same shots you did at your 2 month check-up...so pitiful :(
You weigh 15 lbs and 4 oz...WOW and you were 26 inches long! Such a BIG girl :)
You are in size 2 diapers and by the looks of things that won't last long.
You are wearing 6 months clothes now and I'm pretty sure that won't last long either!
You are still Breastfeeding and Dr. H said it would be okay to introduce you to Rice Cereal, so we tried it and you liked it! I just gave it to you one time so far. If all goes well, we can introduce you to baby food at 5 months. I'm pretty sure you will be ready! You don't BF as near as much as you used to. You BF a lot during the night and eat maybe 4-5 times during the day!
You still L.O.V.E Bath time. No matter what you're doing or if you're fussy, I can bathe you and you hit Relax Mode!
I REALLY think you're trying to cut some teeth. You have been a little fussy for about a week, off and on. You are constantly chewing on your hand and if I give you your passy, you gnaw on it.
You are still a good sleeper :)
When you go to sleep (nursing or on your on) you like something to hold onto or something touching your face!
I love it!!!
I just recently started putting you on your play mat because I feel like you get tired of swinging! At first you weren't thrilled about it, but seems like you're coming around! You did NOT like tummy time, but its getting better since we started using the mat! You are now rolling over from back to tummy and tummy to back. Yesterday I put you on your play mat and you rolled from one end to the other...made me smile!
You also give us kisses! It is the SWEETEST thing. I stand you up on my legs and say, "Give mommy love," and you dive toward my face with your little mouth wide open. Kisses from my girls are the BEST!
I can't wait to see how you'll be when you get a little older. You and sissy are night and day and you BOTH continue to amaze me every single day. I can't wait until you can both play together. I pray that you have a close relationship and y'all are BEST FRIENDS! I pray that GOD is a BIG DEAL in both of your lives and you are both GODLY GIRLS!
Love you Maycie K!