Maycie- You are 1 month old already!
I can't believe it.
You had to go to the Doctor for your 1 month check-up.
You weighed 8lbs 14 oz and you were 21 1/2 in long. You were in the 50 percentile for weight and height.
You are still wearing newborn diapers and all newborn clothes...You did wear one 3 month outfit, but it was made small.
You are breastfeeding and have done awesome since day 1.
You eat every two hours and your like clock work! You're starting to go every 2 1/2 hours, if I'm lucky! Breastfeeding is a full time job in itself and it requires a lot of committment, but I wouldn't have it any other way!
Right now you're a good sleeper...Thank you GOD!!
You're starting to be more alert and stay awake for longer periods.
You're sister is absolutley CRAZY about you!! She loves you so much. When she comes in, she runs to where ever you are and hugs and kisses all over you.
You seem to be recognizing voices.
You LOVE bath time.
We are trying to get into some kind of routine and we usually do bath before bed and it helps you sleep soooo good.
You sleep with mommy!
You like your swing and Nap Nanny when mommy has to put you down, otherwise you're in my arms propped up on a pillow or on the boppy eating!!
You will take a bottle but I would rather feed you straight from me!!
You will take a paci but only on your terms!
You're such a wonderful baby!
We love you so much!
I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27